Monday, October 20, 2008

the haunting

The tall tower of darkness raises high above the city. The haunting notes of the prayer float down from the mountaintop. The melody briefly dropping down and kissing the cheeks, blowing past the ears of the people living in the stillness below. Through the windows of people still deep asleep in their beds. The taunting of the deceiver raises some from their beds to the actions that will grant them entrance. The repetitive words and motions giving comfort and stability in a great big world of uncertainty. The people who answer the call shroud themselves in their holy deeds and the safety that comes with religious trappings. The ones who walk in truth who do not answer the tempters call, sense the undertones of evil and darkness and unintentionally shiver, from the contrast. Once, twice, three times, five times a day the song repeats and the zombies rise from their graves and pay homage to the grim reaper.

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